We are delighted to once again be recommended by World Trademark Review in the WTR 1000, described by the publishers as the definitive guide to “the leading national and international trademark practitioners from around the globe”.
According to WTR 1000, clients report that “Appleyard Lees brings creativity, responsiveness and effective solutions to the table every time. On top of the matter in hand and accommodating, the firm just gets it.”
Trade mark attorneys Rob Cumming, partner, and Chris Hoole, senior associate, have also once again been recognised as leading trade mark professionals. The guide describes Rob as “a brand strategist par excellence…an archetype for the firm, he is both ‘high quality and thoughtful.’” Chris was described as “a very talented young lawyer and one to watch for sure – technically excellent and working to a very high standard.”
Individual practitioners, law firms and trade mark attorney practices qualify for inclusion in the WTR 1000 solely on receiving sufficient positive feedback from market sources. The extensive research process was conducted over a four-month period by a team of full-time analysts and involved over 1,500 face-to-face and telephone interviews with trade mark specialists across the globe.