Appleyard Lees is proud to have
achieved CarbonNeutral status

To offset the emissions we can’t reduce internally, Appleyard Lees will provide critical finance for these projects, enabling reductions to be delivered now. Emission reduction achieved by these projects has been independently validated and verified.

These projects benefit local communities further as follows:

  • Renewable energy creates jobs
  • Solar household devices give energy access to low-income households
  • Cutting air pollution benefits respiratory health
  • Protecting and creating forests also conserves biodiversity


Our chosen projects

We are also investing in external emissions reduction projects that deliver positive environmental impact and align with our charitable mission to support organisations that innovate to make life better. Our chosen projects are:

Community Reforestation, East Africa:

Empowering 90,000 farmers across 4,000 villages to build sustainable livelihoods through community reforestation activity.

Acre Amazonian Rainforest Conservation, Brazil:

Granting land tenure and providing agricultural training to prevent deforestation and promote sustainable economic livelihoods.

Solar WaterHeating, India:

Using solar technology to meet the energy needs of a growing population while promoting low carb

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