Appleyard Lees trainee social – a blank canvas after exam season

About Emily Bevan-Smith: I’m Emily, a trainee patent attorney based in our Leeds office. I graduated from Cardiff University with a master’s degree in Chemistry. I now work with a range of clients across the chemical and medical industry to secure and maintain protection of their IP. In my free time I enjoy travelling and exploring new places, always with my dog in tow, and trying out new foods and recipes.

About Jonathan Foster: I’m Jonathan, a trainee patent attorney in our Leeds office. I have a background in Physics, Nanotechnology & Biophysics, and am particularly interested in the use of physics in the medical field. Alongside my training, I am also the Welfare Officer to the CIPA Informals, a committee member of the Institute of Physics Early Career Members’ Group, and an advisory board member for the charity Jonathan’s Voice.’

Following the latest patent and trade mark trainee exams, the Appleyard Lees trainees attended a unique lockdown social. Opting to do away with the lockdown quiz, our trainees attended a virtual painting masterclass.


Trainee attorneys Jonathan Foster and Emily Bevan-Smith talk about their experience of the most recent (and possibly final) lockdown trainee social.


After the usual long slog of UK and European patent exams in October and March, as well as the various trade mark and paralegal exams, Appleyard Lees trainees were in need of a good social! With lockdown still in full swing, and pub gardens yet to come to the rescue, we had to get inventive with what to do for a trainee social.


For so many, social activities have been few and far between over the past year, besides the well-known and loved video calls and of course not forgetting the Great Quiz era of 2020. Being invited to a trainee virtual painting masterclass almost felt like being invited to a ‘real-world’ event; one to add to the highlights for sure. We were provided with the painting supplies, snacks, drinks, but had to provide our own artistic talent and painting skills.

Emily's finished painting

Jonathan’s finished painting

Jonathan's finished painting

Emily’s finished painting


Artistic talent is not something I possess. Luckily our host Olivia (of Ava Experience) was there to guide us through every step. Sadly, Olivia couldn’t be in the room to help me mix paints, another skill I do not possess. How hard can it actually be to mix paints? Very hard.

As the other trainees will attest to, I found painting extremely stressful, mainly because my hands would not move the brush in the way my brain expected it to. In spite of hating not being really good at an activity, I had a really good evening. It was lovely to see everyone, and a great change from the now dreaded Zoom quiz.


As a novice painter with little artistic flair, I was somewhat surprised at the work of art I created, though I must give credit to our fabulous teacher, Olivia, who revealed the top tips and tricks behind creating a masterpiece.

Happy AL trainees!

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