Jonathan Foster
Patent Attorney
MPhys, BSc, EPA, CPA
With an interdisciplinary background, Jonathan helps his clients to think more broadly about their technologies. Jonathan’s work with many small clients, who often have no previous IP experience, enables him to help clients understand the ‘why’ behind obtaining IP rights, as well as allowing them to tell the best IP ‘story’ to assist their business.
Jonathan’s work involves drafting and prosecuting patent applications for mechanical and electronic inventions across various jurisdictions.
Jonathan joined the patent profession in 2018 after completing a master’s and bachelor’s degrees in physics with nanotechnology from the University of Leeds. Jonathan spent two years carrying out interdisciplinary postgraduate research in biophysics, biology and medicine.
Jonathan is passionate about mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and is a member of the Advisory Board of the mental health charity, Jonathan’s Voice. Jonathan also created the Welfare Officer position within the CIPA Informals – a role that now provides help and guidance to trainees on how to look after their mental health.
Jonathan is also involved with the Institute of Physics as a committee member of the Early Career Members’ Group.
- Automotive
- Battery Technologies
- Biosensors
- Building Technology
- Civil engineering
- Clean technology
- Construction
- Consumer electronics
- Consumer products
- Control systems
- Display devices
- Distributed ledgers (blockchain)
- Electro-optical devices
- Fuel cells
- Graphene
- Healthcare Diagnostic and Imaging systems
- Hydroelectric power systems
- Image processing (e.g. MRI)
- Immunology
- Lasers
- Manufacturing methods
- Materials science
- Medical devices
- Medical physics
- Nanotechnology
- Optics
- Packaging
- Photonics
- Print systems
- Printing
- Pumps and compressors
- Quantum technologies
- Robotics
- Thermodynamics
- Toys
- Turbines
- Wind-based power systems