Richard Bray
MPhys(Hons) CPA EPA
Richard supports a wide range of clients operating in the UK, and also those headquartered internationally in the USA, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Japan and Korea.
Richard’s clients range from universities, to start-ups and spin-outs, and on to globally-known household brands, across a wide range of technological fields. Those clients are world-leading in technological sectors such as electronic consumer goods, defence, food products, and the more emerging technologies of autonomous vehicles, vehicular head-up displays, virtual and augmented reality, image guided therapy, nuclear (e.g. fusion), quantum security, and more.
Richard acts as a liaison for many of Appleyard Lees’ largest clients and the firm’s sector-specialist teams that support those clients. Richard also leads on relationship building with new and existing contacts, bringing together his wide technological and client bases to help identify IP issues and trends, and related solutions and opportunities, and using all of this as a basis for structuring short, medium and longer-term IP strategies. Richard really enjoys listening to clients, and solving their problems.
Perhaps unusually for his physics background, Richard understands how software innovations work alongside the more core physical fields he operates in, and introduces contacts to attorneys appropriate to their scientific field or industry sector. This might include help with modelling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), distributed ledgers (e.g. Blockchain), ecommerce, and so on.
Graduating with a first-class honours degree in physics, and with the highest marks in the graduating class, Richard was heavily involved in a placement project on liquid crystal molecular alignment techniques for use in LCDs at Sharp Laboratories of Europe. Richard maintains strong links to the wider physics community, being a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, mainly for his involvement with the Institute’s Business Innovation and Growth group, and related innovation awards, and career guidance. This all involves supporting and educating the innovative physics community, which Richard is extremely passionate about.
- Additive manufacturing/3D printing
- Aerospace
- AgriScience
- Automotive
- Autonomous vehicles and control
- Biosensors
- Building technology
- Civil engineering
- Clean technology
- Construction
- Consumer electronics
- Consumer healthcare
- Consumer products
- Control systems
- Data storage and retrieval
- Defence
- Defence systems
- Display devices
- Distributed ledgers (blockchain)
- E-commerce
- Electro-optical devices
- Fuel cells
- Gas turbine technologies
- Graphene
- Healthcare diagnostic and imaging systems
- Heat pumps and heat engines
- Hybrid and electric propulsion/vehicles
- Hydroelectric power systems
- Image processing (e.g. MRI)
- Industrial Safety systems
- Information security
- Integrated circuits
- Lasers
- Lithography
- Manufacturing methods
- Mechatronics
- Medical devices
- Medical physics
- Medical treatment regimes
- Nanotechnology
- Nuclear
- Offshore/Marine electrical devices, storage modules and transmission devices
- Optics
- Packaging
- Packaging technology
- Photonics
- Print systems
- Printing
- Processes for manufacturing chemical products
- Quantum Technologies
- Rail Automation
- Robotics
- Tamper evidence & anti-counterfeiting
- Telecommunications
- Tidal-based power systems
- Turbines
- Wind-based power systems