Riddhi Patel

Trainee Patent Attorney

BSc(Hons) Physics

A recent graduate with knowledge and expertise in Physics undertaking a training role.

As a newbie to the profession, her priority is to learn from her team. So far, she has been given the opportunity to look through Examiner feedback in numerous search reports, shadow in client calls and work on infringement. Skills obtained include sifting through prior art, comparing claims, diagrams and drawings and considering parts of law like novelty and unity. She enjoys the subtleties involved in patents along with constant learning.

Within the realm of patents outside of work, Riddhi is a Foundation Lecture Coordinator and Events Assistant on the Informals Committee.

Riddhi holds a Physics BSc degree from the University of Birmingham. Her projects ranged from laser speckle, AFM, magnetic colloidal particles and programming a robot to swing. She has interests in optics, medical technologies and lasers amongst other areas and mentors alumni from her university.


  • Image processing (e.g. MRI)
  • Lasers
  • Medical physics
  • Optics
  • Photonics
  • Robotics
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