Episode two features Appleyard Lees partners and patent attorneys Julia Gwilt and Bobby Smithson.
Julia is a software specialist, and oversees the patent portfolios of a wide variety of clients, including start-ups, research organisations and multinationals.
Bobby is a chemist, who works closely with in-house patent departments of large UK and US companies.
The impact of COVID-19 disruption on oral proceedings at the EPO, both oppositions and examinations: Oral proceedings | Shifting deadlines | Changes to remote OPs | Exceptional circumstance extensions | Challenges and benefits of OPs by video conference | Facilitating public OPs virtually.
About The Greenshoots Podcast
The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees is a conversation about intellectual property, focused on what matters most to innovators, inventors and brand owners, right now. In each episode, intellectual property specialists discuss the essential issues facing those who create, or protect, IP.
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For more information about Appleyard Lees, visit appleyardlees.com.