The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees – episode 21 – shifting priorities and working practices for in-house teams post-lockdown

In episode 6 of the podcast, released July 2020, Appleyard Lees partners and patent attorneys Adam Tindall and Ean Davies discussed COVID-related challenges faced by in-house IP teams. How did the business disruption affect in-house IP teams’ priorities, and what changes did Adam and Ean foresee for the future?

In this episode, we revisit Adam and Ean’s predictions. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new working practices, and changes to the patent filing process resulting from lock-downs, and the pandemic, more generally.


About The Greenshoots Podcast

The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees is a conversation about intellectual property, focused on what matters most to innovators, inventors and brand owners, right now. In each episode, intellectual property specialists discuss the essential issues facing those who create, or protect, IP.

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