The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees – episode 22: when to take a case to the IPEC

When to take a case to the IPEC? Part of the UK’s High Court, The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (the IPEC) provides fast, cost-effective intellectual property litigation proceedings, without the risk of paying uncapped costs to an opposing party.

In this episode, Appleyard Lees solicitors, partner Bill Lister, and Chris Thomas, discuss when a case should be taken to the IPEC, the mechanisms for doing so, and what proceedings may look like once a case reaches the IPEC.


About The Greenshoots Podcast

The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees is a conversation about intellectual property, focused on what matters most to innovators, inventors and brand owners, right now. In each episode, intellectual property specialists discuss the essential issues facing those who create, or protect, IP.

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