The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees – Episode 3 – Innovating & furthering a patent programme in lockdown, and priorities when returning to the lab

Appleyard Lees patent attorneys and partners Kate Hickinson and Howard Read discuss making the most of innovators’ time when people movement and lab access is restricted.

Discussion topics include: Innovating and furthering a patent programme in lockdown | Using lockdown time productively | Logistics of returning to the lab | Benefits and challenges of online inventor collaboration | IP cost control | Oral proceedings | Enforcing patent rights for COVID-19-related innovations

About The Greenshoots Podcast

The Greenshoots Podcast by Appleyard Lees is a conversation about intellectual property, focused on what matters most to innovators, inventors and brand owners, right now. In each episode, intellectual property specialists discuss the essential issues facing those who create, or protect, IP.

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